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Why do some children suck their thumbs?

Thumb-sucking is a common habit among children. There may be moments when you think, "Enough is enough." Here's how to help encourage your child to stop thumb-sucking.

Why do some children suck their thumbs?

Babies have natural rooting and sucking reflexes that can cause them to put their thumbs or fingers into their mouths. Thumb-sucking gives babies a sense of security, so some babies develop a habit of thumb-sucking when they need to be soothed or to fall asleep.

How long does it usually take to stop sucking?

Many babies stop sucking their thumbs, ( or fingers ) often by the age of 6-7 months or between the ages of 2-4 years.

However, even children who stop sucking their thumbs may suck them again when stressed.

When should I intervene?

Thumb sucking is usually not a problem until the child has permanent teeth. At this point, thumb sucking can begin to affect your child’s palate or the alignment of his/her teeth. The risk of dental problems depends on how often, how long, and how hard your child sucks their thumb.

Although some experts recommend addressing the sucking habit before she is 3 years old, according to the American Academy of Paediatrics, treatment is usually for children who continue to suck their thumb after she is 5 years old.

How can I get my child to stop thumb-sucking?

Talk to your child about thumb-sucking. If your child wants to quit and you help them choose the right method, you are more likely to succeed in breaking the habit. Sometimes not paying attention is enough to stop the action. If ignoring it doesn't help, try one of the following techniques:

1. Use positive reinforcement. If your child doesn't suck his thumb, praise him or give him a small reward, such as an extended bedtime story or a trip to the park. Set achievable goals such as B. Do not suck your thumb 1 hour before bed. Put stickers on your calendar to record the days your child successfully avoids thumb-sucking.

2. Identify the triggers. If your child is thumb-sucking in response to stress, identify the real problem and provide comfort in other ways like a hug or Best Eye Specialist in Delhi soothing words. You can also give your child a pillow or stuffed animal to cuddle with.

3. Provide gentle reminders. If your child is sucking his thumb without thinking, gently remind him not to. Do not scold, criticize, or ridicule your child.

4. Putting harmful substances or chemicals like Mirchi, neem or even nail polish can be harmful to the child both physically as well as psychologically.

Once the habit is established even after 5 years of age, a consult with the child’s pediatrician as well as a dental visit may be warranted to check for any developing medical issues.

Just know that a child is doing his/ her best and no one goes to college sucking their thumbs, so it’s okay for some children to do it longer than others.

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